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TM 9-6625-963-14-1 TECHNICAL MANUAL OPERATOR'S, ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT, AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL (INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST) GRAPHICAL DISPLAY SYSTEM, TEKTRONIX TYPE 561 SERIES This copy is a reprint which includes current pages from Change 1. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY OCTOBER 1972 NOTE This manual is an authentication of the manufacture's commercial literature which, through usage, has been found to cover the data required to operate and maintain this equipment. Since the manual was not prepared in accordance in with military specifications, the format has not been structured to considered level of maintenance nor to include a formal section on depot overhaul standards. This manual contains copyrighted information. Reproduced by permission of Tektronix, Incorporated. All rights reserved. CHANGE TM 9-6625-963-14-1 Change 2 No. 2 HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WASHINGTON, DC, 12 August 1986 OPERATOR'S ORGANIZATIONAL, DIRECT SUPPORT AND GENERAL SUPPORT MAINTENANCE MANUAL, INCLUDING REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LIST: GRAPHICAL DISPLAY SYSTEM TEKTRONIX TYPE 561 SERIES (NSN 4931-0(1-910-8164) Current as of 16 April 1986 TM 9-6625-963-14-1, 11 October 1972, is changed as follows: 1. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. New or changed material is indicated by a vertical bar in the margin of the page. Remove pages Insert pages 0 -1 and 0 -2 0 -1 and 0 -2 12 - 1 through 12 - 11 12 - 1 through 12 - 16 2. File this change sheet in front of the publication for reference purposes. By Order of the Secretary of the Army: JOHN A. WICKHAM, JR. Gener

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