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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-2003-6 Time Sharing System Concepts and Facilities Apr78

IBM GC28-2003-6 Time Sharing System Concepts and Facilities Apr78 free download

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File name GC28-2003-6_Time_Sharing_System_Concepts_and_Facilities_Apr78.pdf

File No. 5370-20 Order No GC28-2003-6 IBM Time Sharing System Systems Concepts and Facilities This publication provides an introductIOn to the IBM Time Sharing System (!SS), a general purpose ooeratlng system used with IBM System/370 computers that have dynamic address translation. TSS allows many users to 'lave simultaneous access to a computing system The combination of machine and control program creates a data processing environment for each user which can be 'Jtillzed Independently or shared with other users. Each user operates In a separate virtual address space poten- tially as big as the addressing capability of the machine rhe design of TSS facilitates program development because the functions prOVided support a convenient, Interactive programming environment Programs devel- oped In thiS environment may be used In production mode Without change Integration of virtual storage with data management pe"mlts an Innovative and productive approach to data base applications. A feature of TSS IS user ownersh,p of data With security and privacy. This publication is wntten for managers of data process- ing Installations, system programmers, application programmers, end users of applications. and operators. 11 IS an introduction to the purpose, design, and use of TSS. It contaH1S general descriptions of the control program, task management, and data management; a summary of publ1ca1l0ns relating to TSS; and Information about use of the system to support indiVidual users and subsystem development proJects. There is no prerequisite reading for this publication However, the reader should have a basic understanding of IBM data processing techniques. -- - - - - -- - -- - -- - - ----- - -- -- --- ------ ---- Summary of Amendments Changes since the last edition (GC28-2003-5) include:

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