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Now downloading free:Keithley ERG DC DC Converters

Keithley ERG DC DC Converters free download

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Model:ERG DC DC Converters 🔎
Original:ERG DC DC Converters 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2001 ds ERG_DC_DC_Converters.pdf
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SEE NEXT PAGE FOR DETAILS + Typical Input Filter Configurations 10uf (1) These filtering configurations will minimize the to amount of switching ripple reflected on the DC IN 200uf input. - The specific component values required depend on the input current and the impedance of the input voltage source. These filtering configurations will minimize the + amount of switching ripple reflected on the DC (2) input. 10uf 0.01uf to to IN Figure (1) is the least effective, but is generally 200uf 0.1uf adequate in most switching systems. - Figure (2) provides a 50% reduction in higher frequency components of the input ripple. Figure (3) provides adequate input filtering for analog systems. 0.1 to 1mh + Figure (4) provides a 50% reduction in input (3) ripple amplitude compared with figure (3). 10uf to IN 200uf - 0.1 to 1mh + (4) 0.01uf 10uf to to IN 0.1uf 200uf -

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