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IBM SHARE PgmCatalog Jan77 free download

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SHARE PROGRAM LIBRARY AGENCY User's Guide and Catalog of Programs 1977 EDITION Triangle Universities Computation Center Research Triangle Park, N.C. Copyright SHARE Inc. 1977 All Rights Reserved Published by SHARE Inc., a non-profit Delaware membership corporation. Permission to reprint in whole or in part may be granted for educational and scientific purposes upon written application to the Secretary, 111 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL 60601, (312) 644-6610. Permission is hereby granted to members of SHARE Inc. to reproduce this publication in whole or in part solely for internal distribution within the member's organization and provided the copyright notice printed above is set forth in full text on the title page of each item reproduced. Printed in the United States of America. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TRIANGLE UNIVERSITIES COMPUTATION CENTER SHARE PROGRAM LIBRARY AGENCY P.O. Box 12076. Research Triangle Puk, N.C. 27709 Telephone (code 919) S49~291 119.549.0671' USER'S GUIDE AND CATALOG January 1, 1977 SHARE INC. The principal purpose of SHARE Inc. is to foster the development, free exchange, and public dissemination of research data pertaining to SHARE computers in the best scientific tradition. To achieve these ends, SHARE conducts meetings, discussion groups, forums, panels, lectures, and other similar programs concerned with the development and exchange of research and technological data. SHARE publishes the results of its scientific re- search through its SHARE Secretary's Distribution (SSD) and other publica- tions and makes such publications available to the interested public on a noncommittal and non-discriminatory basis. SHARE attempts to establish and continually improve standards for communicating computer scientific research and programming information to interested members of the public. All inquiries and requests to SHARE, other than for programs and their associated documentation elements, should be directed to: SHARE Inc. 111 East Wacker Drive Chicago, IL 60601 Telephone: (312) 822-0932 The SHARE Program Library Agen~y The SHARE Program Library is a collection of generally useful programs created and administered to promote the exchange of technical information, to lower software deve

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