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Now downloading free:IBM A-4060 IBM Products 1940

IBM A-4060 IBM Products 1940 free download

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INTERNATIONAL BllSINESS MACHINES INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORA liON W orid Headquarters Building 590 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK, N. Y. FOREWORD one turns today he is confronted by evidence W of the great program of modernization. Scientists, en- HEREVER gineers, research workers, designers, builders, and manufac- turers are constantly endeavoring to produce in their respective fields means of improving conditions, of making human en- deavor more efficient and life more pleasant. Management is discarding outmoded equipments and installing up-to-date devices and procedures to protect itself from the danger of loss that lurks in the use of the obsolete. When considering your own progress-program consider the applications of International Business Machines to your needs. The International modernizing process benefits many procedures-accounting, bookkeeping, statistical, time-record- ing, property-protecting, and document-writing being among them. International Business Machines provide a modern effi- ciency that builds profits and guards against profit-leaks. That is the basis on which they are installed. How well they succeed is demonstrated by their constantly expanding use in all fields of business throughout the world. There are hundreds of models of many different types to choose from, so that you can have exactly the machine your needs require. Our representatives will be glad to describe to you in detail the application of any type of equipment in which you may be interested. WORLD HEADOUARTERS BUILDING International Business Machines Corporation 590 Madison Avenue, New YQrk, N. Y.

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