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Now downloading free:IBM GC30-2022-0 TCAM Concepts and Facilities Jan71

IBM GC30-2022-0 TCAM Concepts and Facilities Jan71 free download

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Descr: IBM 360 os tcam GC30-2022-0_TCAM_Concepts_and_Facilities_Jan71.pdf
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File name GC30-2022-0_TCAM_Concepts_and_Facilities_Jan71.pdf

GC30-2022-0 IBM System/360 Operating System Telecommunications Access Method(TCAM) Systems Concepts and Facilities Program Number 360S-CQ-548 This publication provides a basic introduction to the con- cepts of (and the facilities provided by) the IBM System/360 Operating System Telecommunications Access Method (TCAM). It also briefly describes the characteris- tics and operating concepts of a computer-based telecom- munications system. TCAM is a complete, centralized, real-time telecommu- nications access method that controls allocation and use of all system resources. TCAM facilities control the transfer, editing, and processing of data from remote stations. Variety, flexibility, and modularity of these TCAM facili- ties permit selection of the necessary support for any tele- communications application. A basic knowledge of System/360 machine concepts and Operating System data management techniques is required for understanding this publication. Preface This publication is designed to serve the informational

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