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Now downloading free:IBM 225-6535-5 24-Base Machines FEMM Dec65

IBM 225-6535-5 24-Base Machines FEMM Dec65 free download

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File name:225-6535-5_24-Base_Machines_FEMM_Dec65.pdf
[preview 225-6535-5 24-Base Machines FEMM Dec65]
Size:12358 kB
Model:225-6535-5 24-Base Machines FEMM Dec65 🔎
Original:225-6535-5 24-Base Machines FEMM Dec65 🔎
Descr: IBM punchedCard Keypunch 225-6535-5_24-Base_Machines_FEMM_Dec65.pdf
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File name 225-6535-5_24-Base_Machines_FEMM_Dec65.pdf

Field Engineering Maintenance Manual 24-Base Machines 24-26 Card Punch 24-26 Card Punch, Models 5 and 6 27-28 Card Proof Punch 46-47 Tape to Card Punch 56 Card Verifier 65-66 Data Transceiver 526 Printing Summary Punch 534-536 Card Punch 824-826 Typewriter Card Punch 834-836 Control Unit Foreword This manual provides information for the mechanical maintenance of machines using the IBM 24 base. These machine types are listed on the title page. The IBM 29 and IBM 59 have separate maintenance manuals (Form 225-3357 for the IBM 29, and Form 225-3367 for the IBM 59). It is intended to include as much information as possible within a logical section of this manual. The sequence is related, as nearly as poSSible, to the card path through the machine. Features, such as the card column emitter, that pertain to a specific machine are treated in separate sections covering the differences in 24-base machines. Special features are also

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