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Keithley 24404C(DAS40G1 252CG2) free download

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DAS-40 Keithley Data Acquisition Keithley MetraBytdAsyst 0 0 0 User Guide for the DAS-40Gl & DAS-40G2 A/D & D/A Data Acquisition Boards December 1992 Copyright KEITHLEY DATA ACQUISITION - Kelthley MetraBytelAsyst 440 MYLES STANDISH BLVD.. Taunton. MA 02780 TEL. 508/880-3000. FAX 509/890-0179 11, Warranty lnformatlon AH products mnnufacturrd by Kcithlcy Data Acquisition ac warranted ngse~t dcfcctivc malcrlals and workmanship lor a period of one year from the date of delivcly to the orlglnnl purchnwr. Any pmduct that Is found to be defoctlvc within the wiu-mnty pcrlod till. at the option al Keithley Data Acquisition, bc rcpalrcd or rcplaccd. `IhIs warranty dots not apply to products damagud by improper use. Warning Keithley Data Acquisition ~ssumcs no liability for damages coneequcnt to the "SC of this product. Tb`s product I. not desI@,ned 4th components of P level of reliability suitable for use in life support or critlca, epplicetions. iv Contents CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 General . 1-l 1.2 Distribution Software l-l 1.3 The STA-40 Accessory 1-2 CHAPTER 2 INSTALLATION 2.1 General . . . . 2-1 2.2 Backing Up Distribution Software 2-1 Single-Floppy-Drive Machines 2-1 Dual-Floppy-Drive Machines 2-l Hard-Drive Machines . . . . . 2-2 2.3 Unpacking & Inspecting . 2-2 2.4 Configuration Options. . . . 2-3 Base Address . . .2-3 DMA Channel 2-4 Interrupt Level . 2-5 A/D Functions 2-5 D/A Functions 2-6 2.5 Hardware installation . . . . 2-7 Single-Ended vs. Differential Connections 2-7 Installing The DAS-40 In A

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