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File No. 1410-33 Form C28 -0343 Systems Reference Library IBM 1410 Tape Sorting/Merging Programs: Sort/Merge 12 This publication describes the functions and features of the IBM 1410 Sort/Merge 12 Program, a tape sorting and merging program using the Processing Overlap and Priority special features. It provides the programmer and operator with complete infor- mation for best use of the program. It presents sub- stantial modifications and expansions to material in the previous Sort/Merge 12 publication, Form J28-0253. It also includes the 1410 Sorting times contained in Form C28-0293. In addition to complete program specifications, the publication furnishes control card formats, detailed operating instructions, and information on the use of modification exits. @ 1962, 1963 by International Business Machines Corporation PREFACE This publication provides detailed information 2. Sort on one through ten control data fields; for programmers, systems analysts, and each field can contain from one through 9990 machine-room personnel on the use of the IBM characters. 1410 Tape Sortin~Merging Program: Sort/ 3. Merge two through five sequenced files. Merge 12. Sort/Merge 12 is an efficient tape sorting and 4. Reblock and/or sequence check a se- merging program which is directed by user- quenced file. supplied control cards. It makes use of the Overlap and Priority special features to permit 5. Label output tapes, as directed through overlap of the read/write and processing oper- control cards. ations, and so provides most efficient use of 6. Provide automatic checkpoint and restart computer time. The program can perform the facilities. following functions: 1. Sort and merge files composed of Form 1, 7. Provide exit points to link Sort/Merge 12 to Form 2, Form 3, or Form 4 data records user-supplied routines to perform editing, (see "Record Formats"). summarizing, and other functions. Major Revision (July, 1963) This publication supersedes the preliminary reference manual, IBM 1410 Tape Sorting/Merging Programs: Part II, Sort/Merge 12, Form J28-0253, with its associated Technical Newsletters (N28-1028 and N28-1020); and the Systems Reference Library publication, IBM 1410 Tape Sorting Programs, Sort/Merge 12: Sorting Times for the IBM 1410 with 7330, 72911, 729IV or 729V Tape Units, Form C28-0293, with its aSSOCiated Technical News- letter (N28-1056). Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. Address comments concerning t

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