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Now downloading free:Keithley KPCI3140 ScrewTerms

Keithley KPCI3140 ScrewTerms free download

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What is the difference between a STP-3140 and STP-68? The primary difference is that the STP-3140 has an added ground plane for shielding on both the component and solder side of the board for applications requiring CE compliance. This added ground plane is ideal for high frequency applications that need shielding to reduce noise emissions. There is a service hole (0.125 in. diameter) for the ground plane to be connected to an external reference. The screw terminals on the STP-3140 are arranged in a logical order based on the function of the KPCI-3140: input, output, gate and ground of each counter channel grouped together; each of the four 8-bit digital I/O channels are also grouped together logically. In contrast, the STP-68 is a universal Screw Terminal Panel that provides a one to one correspondence between pins on the 68-pin J1 connector to the numbered screw terminals. The signal hook-up will be based on the pin out of the KPCI-3140. Both the STP-3140 and STP-68 connect via a Keithley CAB-305 cable to the KPCI-3140 and come with nylon stand-offs for placement on a desktop or mounting in a custom panel. They do not come with an enclosure. The STP-ENCL optional accessory is a plastic enclosure compatible with either of these screw terminal panels. STP-3140 STP-68

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