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Now downloading free:IBM GC19-6212-0 VM SP Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Sep80

IBM GC19-6212-0 VM SP Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Sep80 free download

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File name:GC19-6212-0_VM_SP_Operating_Systems_in_a_Virtual_Machine_Sep80.pdf
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Model:GC19-6212-0 VM SP Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Sep80 🔎
Original:GC19-6212-0 VM SP Operating Systems in a Virtual Machine Sep80 🔎
Descr: IBM 370 VM_SP Release_1 GC19-6212-0_VM_SP_Operating_Systems_in_a_Virtual_Machine_Sep80.pdf
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File name GC19-6212-0_VM_SP_Operating_Systems_in_a_Virtual_Machine_Sep80.pdf

File No. S370-34 Order No. GC19-6212-0 IBM Virtual Machine/System Product: Operating Systems in Program Product a Virtual Machine Program Number 5664-167 This publication is for system programmers who plan to use System/360 or System/370 operating systems under the control of VM/SP. It is also for VM/SP system programmers who plan to use these operating systems or VM/SP under the control of VM/SP. The publication describes how to use VM/SP functions more efficiently when running operating systems under VM/SP. The book also provides system planning and operating considerations when running VM/SP, DOS/VS, and OS/VS under VM/SP. Many thoughts expressed in this pUblication are contributions from VM/370 customers and IBM field personnel. As such, these thoughts may not have been formally tested by IBM, and therefore, may prove more useful for some installations than others. t PREREQUISITE PUBLICATION IBM Virtual Machine/System Product Introduction, Order No. GC19-6200 --- - - ---- - -.-...-- - -~-- - -- - - - - ~-- - .- ----- --- r ---, INotice: The term VM/SP, as used in this publication, I;hen-used in conjunction with VM/370 Release 6. L refers to VM/SPI , ------J r IThe recommendations in the VM/SP under VM/SP area and in the DOS/VS land as/vs areas of this publication are meant to help an installation Iqenerate operatinq systems that run more efficiently under VM/SP. I I VM/370 users made many of these recommendations, and their Isuqqestions have not been submitted to any formal IBM test. As a Iresult, potential users should evaluate the applicability of the Irecommendations to their installations before implementation. Yi

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