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Now downloading free:IBM E20-0098-0 basicApplications 360-20

IBM E20-0098-0 basicApplications 360-20 free download

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Data Processing Application Basic Applications-System/360 Model 20 Data Processing Application Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. Address comments concerning the contents of this publication to IBM, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, N. Y. 10601 FOREWORD The purpose of this manual is to describe the IBM show differences in approach to the same problem. System/36 0 , Model 20, and show how it may be used to process six basic applications: billing, accounts The final solution of any application depends upon receivable, sales analysis, inventory control, the needs of the individual user. Selection of a accounts payable, and payroll. particular configuration of the Model 20 depends upon meeting the needs of all applications within a Since the Model 20 is available with many user's installation. Because many of the basic ap- different combinations of input and output units, plications illustrated are interrelated, their rela- there are many different ways to solve the same tionships must be examined in putting together a problem. This manual illustrates various complete system. For example, the output of the approaches to applications with various configura- billing application becomes input to sales analysis, tions of the Model 20 and shows techniques of using accounts receivable and inventory control. In con- it. In many cases the Model 20 technique is com- sidering one application the others must also be pared With the standard punched card method to considered. CONTENTS System/360, Model 20 . . 1 Inventory Control . . . . . .

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