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Now downloading free:IBM 320-1621-15 IBM Marketing Publications KWIC Index Jun67

IBM 320-1621-15 IBM Marketing Publications KWIC Index Jun67 free download

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KWIC INDEX/Effective June 16, 1967 IBM Marketing Publications IBM PUBLICATIONS KEYWORD IN CONTEXT INDEX (KWIC INDEX) I Introduction This complete quarterly edition of -the "IBM Publications - KWIC Index" obsoletes all previous editions and TNL N20-0081 dated April 21, 1967. General This KWIC Index is based on an abbreviated 30-positionpublication title. As such, many words have been abbreviated in different ways, de- pendent upon title length. Thus, items with "CONTROL" unabbreviated appear in one place and may appear in another place as "CNTL". (See "KWIC Index Abbreviations" listing. ) This index is in five listings as follows: 1. Alphabetical - pages 1 through 69 2. Machine or System Type - pages 70 through 98 3. Form Number - pages 99 through 127 4. Type I and II Programs in System Sequence - pages 128 through 138 5. Type m and IV Programs in System Sequence - pages 139 through 163 The #= symbol denotes the end of the title, i. e. (One of several KWIC listings) CONCEPTS - & FACILITIES #=0360 (Actual title) 0360 CONCEPTS - & F ACII.JTIES #=. The same item will also be indexed under IIFACILITIES", "0360'f and the form number, but not under the n&" sign since articles and other words of no intrinsic meaning have been deleted from the indexing operation. (See listing "Words Prevented from IndeXing". ) The Reference No. is applicable to the Abstract Binder page number of the SRL (Systems Reference Library) Bibliographies which are self- explanatory except for DPT, which is the Data Processing Techniques Bibliography. I The program material (J 40 prefix items) is listed in sections 4 and 5, and is in system sequence within form number. Publications ordered from the IBM Distribution Center, Mechanicsburg, will be furnished with all applicable Technical Newsletters. TNL's need not be ordered separately unless desired without their correspond- ing manuals. All external requests for marketing publications included in this KWIC Index should be forwarded to the local IBM Branch Office for processing. Published by, DP Publishing Administration Department, DPD HQ,. NOTE: This index was prepared on a 1401 from 11,749 publication titles which generated 29, 827 listings on the index. This index was printed on sheets 14" x 17" and reduced to 58% for reproduction. II ABST ABSTRACT CD CARD ACCTG ACCOUNTING CALC CALCULATOR, CALCULATING ACCT ACCOUNT, ACCOUNTANT CT CARD TO TAPE AM ACCOUNTING MACIDNE CAS CASUALTY AlP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CAT CATALOG AIR ACCOUNTSRECENABLE

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