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Now downloading free:Keithley AMM2 500RevA DocSpec

Keithley AMM2 500RevA DocSpec free download

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File name:AMM2_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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Size:81 kB
Model:AMM2 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Original:AMM2 500RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 500 AMM2_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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File name AMM2_500RevA_DocSpec.pdf

_ . - . . - . . . .- - - . . -... $s AMM2 / MASTER MJUSUREMEN T MODULE ZQP', SPECIFICATIONS: INPUT CHANNELS GLOBAL AMP AND Iad 8 dlffemttld Inputs or 16 single Am CONVERTKR ended inputs. ND Cmtverter: self-alfbnthg BUCCQ Gldmb 9 inpub from slots Z-10. dve approximauon. Redution; 16$1lls(1 part In 65,536). LOCAL PGA .4/O Ranpa Sofhvm selectable, 0 to Programmable Gsh: xl, x10. +lOV dpolar, and -1OV to +lOV Gain Accuracy: ffl.Ol6%, xl gain; bipolar. io.o25%, x10 gain. G.~~TC:M.MI~DC, x1 gain; fo.W17%/`C, x10 gain. Nonlbwuityz iO.Olk. Input Offmet; SQL" inittd, adjustable to zero. Offset Tc: ti@V/`C Input Pcsiencr: >lcoMR Input Biro Cuncnr: LlodB,DC to 6oHz. blpnt Fmtccuon (my termilul to cbmddz env max. &lowRed); il5v max. bmpowaed). lO.COO VOLT BWEBENCE Acmcy: Rqrammable Gainr xl, x2, x5, xla G&t A-+: AculcyTC: io.w12%/T. tiO.02R + 1 LSB), xl gain; Noise: 2@V pp, 0.11-L to 1OHz. no.lux + 1 LSBL x2, x5, x10 gabI. Gdn Tc:KIOO2%/sI. POWER CONSUMPTION; Nmlbtemd~ iO.M57%. +5 Volt SlIpply: 125mA ty+aL Input offset? n5opv + 1 LSB) blat& +*5 Volt Sapply: 6hA typl* adjutable to il LSB. -15 Volt Supply: 65mA typlal. offset Tc? f2L$V/T Puta: samnrr s.dstaNe, IWLHZ a 2kHzangkpalefutar. 6etUln6 The ((0 OiwdZ of final tndind: l@ec with mkHz ma, soquswttb2kHzEltar. `Indudes btput MUX, mplhks, md A/D - /

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