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Now downloading free:Keithley 195RevB DocSpec

Keithley 195RevB DocSpec free download

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MODEL I95 -I_--- 5PE-CI FKATlON'i TRh4S AC VOLTS (Option 19S$imm ,I -), w/1 m&M *t*rdg+-, twlrc RANGEREsoLLmoN mlz45Hz (WI-low2 *o!dHz-awbxwb- mhnv* 2.0+X-Q A 2v 1;;: ~~ z", %z 2.0+E4 M" 1cc$ o.B+xo 0.,+X0 0.,+m, 1.5+754 MO" O.B+?LQ 0.3+X0 0.,+x0 1.5+7.Y3 rn" lam" 0.*+Z?Lll 0.3+x0 o.,+m 1.5+m ,h Ih.dQil mod% di* a.lul~mar by 10. +k ,qmvc ,m y: A TEhTPERATURECOEFFICIENF (O"-IB'C h 28'~5OTc): Less than k(O.1~ applicable accuracy qvxtfkatian)/=C. RESPONSE:True root mean square, AC coupled. CREST FACTOR (ratlo of peak to mu,: Up to 3:1 allowable. INPLIT IMPEDANCE: 3MS shunted by less than 75pF. MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INPL!T: 1MoV p&, IO'V.Hz. BENCH READING RATE: 3 madingskcond. CMRR Greater than &MB at EC. 50 or &X-h (with lkS in tither lead). BANDWIDTH: - 3dB at WkHz typical. DC Arms (Option 1950) (5%Lwa, ACcuRAcv,1YEAR,r+ T?iiE!m- MA)(IMuM *t*mt*+-t *mdg+mlma~/~ "OLTAGE RAKE REsoLLmON W-WC O'dPc & )8'.504 BtmDEN 1mpA 0.11+40* 0.01+2 0.m" lz$ InA 0.0?+10 o.ol+o.5 0.23" lcTA o.w+ 10 0.01+0.5 02.5v 222 PxnA o.c9+10 0.01+0.5 0.25v m IsA 0.09+10 0.01+0.5 0.7.8 " ZA XVIA 0.09+10 o.ol+o.5 1 v tin W-W modr. mum- *2 kaupt f4 on 2+A raw afta zemhg). *After cu*b"tto" or busmum. OVERLOAD PROTECTION: W fuse (ZMVI. extem& a-ible. BENCH READING RATE: 5 readtn@ncond. Ksithley lnstrumsnts Inc. Cleveland. Ohio 44139

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