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IBM GA24-1495-6 1401-1460biblio free download

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File No. 1401/1460-00 GA24-1495-6 Systems Reference Library IBM 1401 and 1460 Bibliography This bibliography lists available reference literature applicable to the installation and operation of the IBM 1401 and 1460 Data Processing Systems, as well as other publications of general interest to the system user. Information about this literature is current as of January 1, 1970. Major sections of the bibliography are: Part 1 - a listing of publications by subject; Part 2 - a listing by machine type number; and Part 3 - a listing by publication form number. Part 1 identifies the current revision level of each publication and includes the form numbers of applicable Technical Newsletters. Part 3 contains a brief description of each publication. Systems Reference Library The Systems Reference Library (SRL) is issued for each The second part of the file number is the subject major IBM data processing system. The SRL contains code, which designates the subject category; this code reference literature needed to plan, program, install, may be useful in designating a filing sequence. Code and operate the system. In addition, the Bibliography 15, for example, appears on publications relating to of Data Processing Techniques, GF20-8172, lists se- physical planning specifications, code 33 on publica- lected IBM technique-oriented publications that are tions relating to IBM sort and merge programs for the applicable to many systems, system, and subject code 80 on installation supplies, such as coding forms and physical planning templates. Bibliography Other publications of interest to a system user are listed under code 85 (Reference Cards), 90 (Education The bibliography lists applicable publications and re- Literature), and 99 (Supplementary Literature). lated materials by subject, machine type number, and In the bibliography, subject codes appear in the order number, and describes each publication briefly. subject listing (Part 1) and in the upper right corner This bibliography can be useful in selecting items of of each publication description (Part 3). interest to your installation and in keeping abreast of other items that may be useful in the future. Technical NewsleHers File Numbers of Publications

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