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IBM Z77-6026 tapeIOCSpgmLab free download

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~:,~ TECHNICAL INFORMATION January 14, 1966 ___ -- EXCHANGE 16 Pages 10 1401 TAPE IOCS PROGRAM LABEL KEY Mr. Tom Scharf IBM School Gladengvn. 3 B Etterstad, Oslo Norway FOR IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY This paper is in the author's original form. The objective in providing this copy is to keep you informed in your field of interest. Please do not distribute this paper to persons outside the Company. Z77-6026 INTRODUC TION Instructions for use of this list This list was originally compiled in norwegian * by the author while working as a programmer at Storebrand Insurance Labels ending with OON indicate DTF or Macroinstruction Company, Oslo, in early 1963 before a good many changes had labels which can be any number 002,003,004 etc. depending on the been made to the system and the author has no pretentions that position in the program relative to any other macros. this list is complete or correct. However experience has shown Labels ending in 001 all belong to DIOCS routines because that it is very complete and quite correct enough to provide very it is always the first macro. (DIOCS is macro 55555 in your library) time-saving and useful information while analyzing errors or Labels beginning with 10C are usually associated with DIOCS studying the system logic. Labels which did not normally appear routines and are primarily labels external to the DIOCS. That is in the authors own programs were picked out from the macro listing some DTF, OPEN or other IOCS macro, or user coding according for completeness and an attempt was made to ascertain the labets to the manual (see IOCUXT in connection with exits for example) function from that list. needs to refer to the label. The following abreviations will be used to indicate where the The author would like to recommend as a companion tool label definition is valid. to this paper, another paper by the same author PRI printer files (DTF's) "1401 Tape IOCS Advanced Notes (Tie 6503- 0057)"

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