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Mfg: | Stanford Research Systems |
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Descr: | Stanford Research Systems |
Group: | Electronics > Other |
Uploaded: | 03-03-2020 |
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File name FS71O 10 MHz AGC DISTRIBUTION AMPLIFIER lntroducllon The FS710 t0 MHz AGC Oistribuiion Amplilier can compensate up to 30 dB ot cable loss. Thjs povides seven sine wave outplls lrom a single 10 makes the FS710 ideal lor distributirE a 10 MHz MHz source. Designsd as an accessory lor lhe lkiebase as laras a mile llom lhe FS700 Recrier_ FS700 LORAN Receiver, the FS710 AGC circuitry STAIIFORO FsEAFctlsysrEl,,ts I r,oELFsTlo I 10l,{.l.acc olsrRtguTloN aMpuFlER SIGNA! O. Flgure I - FS710 Front Panel Tvpical Soecitications lnput Freqlency: 10 MHzltOO kHz Type: lnsulated BNC, transrormer coupled lrpdarEet 50 O or 75 O (iomper setectabt) Level: 35 mV to 5 VAC peak-to-peak vswR: < 1.2 al 10 MHz Outpul Type: T locat grouhded BNC,S Level: 1 V peak-to,peak into 50 O,:t10% or 2 V peak-lo,peak i o t0kO,tto% VSWR: < 1.2 atloMHz (50O) Distorlbn: < -30 dBc Mechanlcal 7.75 x7.5' x 2'(wxtxh) Welohl 3 tbs Power 100/120/z2ot24o vAC. 10 wans. 50/60 Hz Warranty One year pads and labor on materjals aod workmaoship. Oberalio n Line Voltade Selction Norma, operalion is indicaled by the green lighl on The FS710 oprales lrom a 1O0, 120,220 ot 21O the lower lett comer ol the fiont panel. A red lighl Volt AC nominal, 50 or 60 Hz powgr source. Before indi:ates that ih input signal is loo low to maintain applylrE power, ve.ily that the lins selecto, card (locald in the powr eriry rnodul) is in the coned the sel arplitude oulp.ri. posilbn. Th slected vollage E indixted by the white dot on th voltags list. Troubleshootind To change thg lidg voltage selec{ion, dGconnect WARNING: Dangeous voltages are present the lins cord and rernovs lh luse rnodulg with a on ths printed clrclit board. Al,vays tum lhe power small screwdrlvsr- Pull out thg vohagg slectbn otl and disconnecl lh lino cord bslore renbvihg card (localgd at the righl ot the powff ent.y the cover or changing lrpdulE) w h a pak o |
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