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Now downloading free:LeCroy AP034-OM-E-06

LeCroy AP034-OM-E-06 free download

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Model:AP034-OM-E-06 🔎
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Descr: LeCroy LECROY AP034 AP034-OM-E-06.pdf
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3HUIRUPDQFH 9HULILFDWLRQ 3HUIRUPDQFH 9HULILFDWLRQ This procedure can be used to verify the warranted characteristics of the AP034 Active Differential Probe. The recommended calibration interval for the model AP034 Active Differential Probe is one year. The complete performance verification procedure should be performed as the first step of annual calibration. You can record test results on a photocopy of the Test Record provided at the end of this section. You can do the performance verification without removing the instrument covers, exposing yourself to hazardous voltages. Adjustment should only be attempted if a parameter measured in the Performance Verification Procedure is outside of the specified limits. Adjustment should only be performed by qualified personnel. TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIRED Table 3 lists the test equipment and accessories (or their equivalents) that are required to verify the performance of the AP034 Active Differential Probe. This procedure is designed to minimize the number of calibrated test instruments required. Only the parameters listed in boldface in the "Minimum Requirements" column must be calibrated to the accuracy indicated. Because the input and output connector types may vary on different brands and models of test instruments, additional adapters or cables may be required. AP034-OM-E Rev D ISSUED: January 2000

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