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Now downloading free:IBM GA22-6955-1 709x Compatibility Feature for IBM-370 165 168

IBM GA22-6955-1 709x Compatibility Feature for IBM-370 165 168 free download

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File name GA22-6955-1_709x_Compatibility_Feature_for_IBM-370_165_168.pdf

GA 22-6955-1 File No. 5/370-13 709/7090/7094/709411 Compatibility Feature for IBM System/370 Systems Models 165,165 II, and 168 ) ) Preface This publication contains information about the IBM 7094 IBM System/370 Systenz Summary, GA22-7001. compatibility feature (# 7119), which adds interpretive IBM Systeln/370 Principles of Operation , GA22-7000. facilities to System/370 Models 165, 165 II, and 168 for 7094 OS Emulator 011 Models 165/168 Reference, use by the IBM 7094 emulator program. The combination GC27-6951. of the feature and the program (referred to as the 7094 emulator) allows execution on IBM System/370 Models 165, 165 II, and 168 of programs written for the IBM 709, 7090, 7094, and 7094 II Data Processing Systems. The IBM 7094 compatibility feature, operating in con- Organization of This Publication junction with the IBM 7094 integrated emulator program, To assist the reader, the information in this publication has simulates the operation of an IBM 7094 Data Processing been organized as follows: System in an IBM System/370. Operating together, the The "Introduction" contains a general description of emulator program and the compatibility feature consititute emulation and provides basic information on the compatibi- a hardware-aided simulator referred to as an emulator. lity feature and the emulator program. Through the emulator, a System/370 Model 165, 165 II, or "Emulator Organization" describes the functions of the 168 is, in effect, a 7094 that executes 7094 programs. The compatibility feature and the emulator program and ex- emulator requires a minimum region or partition, when plains their relationship to each other. This section also operating under a System/360 or System/370 controV includes information on acceptable data fonnats and program., of approximately 380,000 bytes. program/feature comnlunication. "Emulator Instruction Set" describes the format, applica- Prerequisite Publications tion, and action of each instruction provided by the com- To obtain maximum benefit from this publication, the reader should be familiar with the information contained in patibility feature. The Appendixes contain information concerning timing,

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