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Now downloading free:Keithley 2220G 2230GPowerSuppliesAppCards

Keithley 2220G 2230GPowerSuppliesAppCards free download

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Application Overview: Using Multiple-Channel Power Supplies for Maximum Flexibility Multiple-Channel DC Power Supplies Most devices require multiple DC power supplies operating at different voltages to power all the analog and digital circuit sub systems. During development and testing, a number of single-channel power supplies can be used to power up each circuit section. Alternatively, a multiple-channel power supply could meet all your requirements and reduce the number of instruments needed. A single power supply will also take up less precious bench space or test rack space. With Keithley multi-channel power supplies, there are no compromises compared with using two or more single-channel supplies. All the channels in Keithley multiple-channel power supplies can be controlled independently and are isolated just as if they were individual supplies. Each channel's output is programmable, and each channel's voltage output and load current measurements are displayed simultaneously. Furthermore, each channel has remote sensing to ensure that the required voltage is accurately applied to the load. When a number of supplies are needed, consider the flexibility and convenience of a multi-channel power supply.

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