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Keithley 196 903 01A free download

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INTRODUCTION ,. This reference guide contains and~programming condensed TABLE OF CONTENTS CONDENSE,, SPECIFICATIONS ... 3 MODEL 196 FEATURES ... lo-16 FRONT PANEL PROGAAMS... 17-23 FRONT PANEL TRIGGERING ... IEEE-438 PROGRAMMlNG... 29-39 TRANSLATOR SOFTWARE ... 40-44 PROGRAMS ... CONDENSED SPECIFICATIONS DC VOLTS GH-Digit Accuracy i(%rdg + counts) Range 1 Year, 18 -28~C 300mV b,00* ~~+ I&' 3: ", 0.008 0.0038 + 30 * 20 300 V 0.009 $ 30~ `When properly zeroed. dB (Ref. = IV) Aecumcy 1 Year, 190 -28cC Input ZDHz-20kHz 2OkHz-1OOkM -34 to 49dB 12omv to 3oow 0.2 0.4 - 54 to -34dB (2mV to zomw 1.1 3' ' Typical OHMS 6YeDigti Accuracy +(%rdg +~ counts) Range 1 Year, 18" -28OC 300 0' 0.010 + 202 3 kQ' 0.007 + 20 30 kB' 0.007 f 20 300 kiI 0.021 + 20 3MR 0.021 +-20 30MO 0.1 + 50 3ODMG' 2.0 + 5 `4.terminal ?mmacy, 3C!QR-3OkQ range. z When properly zeroed. CONFIGURATION: Automatic 2- or 4-wiw. Offset cornpen- Sation available an 30061-30kfiranges. Allowable compen- sation of *lOmV on 3OGll range and f100mV on 3m and 3cw ranges. OPEN CIRCUIT VOLTAGE: 5SV maximum. 4 DC AMPS WeDigit Accuracy &(#rdg + counts) Maximum Voltage 1 Year, 180 -29QC Burden 0.09 + 20 0.4v 0.05 + IO 0.4" 0.05 + 10 0.4" 0.05 * 10 0.5v 0.09 + 10 2v TRMS AC AMPS S'h-Digit Accuracy +wdg +`counts) 1 Year, w-29W' Maximum Voltage Range ZOHz-45Hz 45Hz-1OkHz Burden 300 fi 2 + 100 0.9 +`~100 0.4v 3mA 2 + 100 0.6 + 100 0.4v 30mA 2 + 100

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