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Keithley pa791a(Model2510 252C2510AT) free download

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Models 2510 and 2510-AT Connector Label Keithley Instruments, Inc. 28775 Aurora Road Packing List Cleveland, Ohio 44139 (440) 248-0400 Introduction This packing list contains information about the supplied INPUT/OUTPUT connector label, which can be used to properly identify OUTPUT connection polarity when using the Model 2510/2510-AT with certain TECs. Output current convention The Models 2510 and 2510-AT assume that a positive output current is heating current. However, industry convention is that a positive TEC current is a cooling current. For proper operation with such TECs, it is recommended that you install the supplied label and reverse TEC connections as discussed below. Label installation To install the label, remove the backing and then install the label immediately above the INPUT/OUTPUT connector as shown in Figure 1 below. Be sure to position the label so that the terminals are correctly identified. TEC connections For positive TEC current cooling convention, connect the TEC positive terminal to the OUTPUT TEC+ terminal shown on the label (and OUTPUT S+ terminal when using 4-wire connections). Connect the TEC negative terminal to the OUTPUT TEC- terminal (and OUTPUT S- terminal when using 4-wire connections). Figure 1 INPUT/OUTPUT label installation OUTPUT INPUT TEC- S- S+ TEC+ F+ F- S+ S- ISOLATION FROM EARTH: 30V MAX. Install Label Above INPUT/OUTPUT Connector WARNING:NO INTERNAL OPERATOR SERVICABLE PARTS,SERVICE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY. CAT I ! IEEE-488 MADE IN (ENTER IEEE ADDRESS OUTPUT INPUT U.S.A. WITH FRONT PANEL MENU) F+ S+ S- F- F+ F- S+ S- ISOLATION FROM EARTH: 30V MAX. ENABLE-DIG I/O TRIGGER RS-232 LINK

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