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Now downloading free:Keithley 415A(Model415)

Keithley 415A(Model415) free download

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Instruction Manual Model 415 Micro-Microammeter Keithley Instruments, Inc. Instrument Division Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. WARRANTY We warrant each of our products to be free from defects in material and workmanship. Our obligation under this warranty is to repair or replace any instrument or part thereof (except tubes and batteries) which, within a year after shipment, proves defective upon examination. To exercise this warranty, contact your Keithley field engineering representative. You will be given assistance and shipping instructions. REPAIRS AND RECALIBRATION Keithley Instruments and its internat.ional dis- tributors maintain complete repair facilities. To insure prompt repair or recalibration service, please contact your Keithley field representative before returning the instrument. Estimates for repairs, normal recalibrations, and calibrations traceable to the National Bureau of Standards are available upon request. INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODEL 415 MICRO-MICROAMMETER CONTENTS SECTION INTRODUCTION I SPWZIFICATIONS II REXlgeS Accuracy Zero Drift Grid Current output Rise Time Current Suppress~ion Zero Check Tube Complement Power Accessories Supplied Accessories Available Dimensions OPERATION Operating Controls Inout and Outpyt Connections PrelimJ.nary Set Up Makinp Measurements Speed o.f Response CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION IV Circuit Block Diagram Speed of Response Detailed Circuj.t Description MAINTENANCEAND CALIBRATION v General Calibration Trouble Shooting Procedure Voltare Resistance Diagram Circuit Schematic Replaceable Parts List 415 ICE= mm, nio. cLEvEm, OHIO SkCTION I - INTRODUCTION The Model h15 Micro-microammeter incorporates advanced high-speed circuitry developed by Keithley Instruments for rocket and satellite experimentation -- where measurements of Lyman- Alpha night slow, cosmic radiation, and upper air density re- quire fast response, The I~15 also provides zero suppression up to 100 full scales, permitting full scale display of one per rant variatiors of a signal, or suppression of a steady background signal. Excelling other Keithley LOO Series

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