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Now downloading free:Keithley 79L05

Keithley 79L05 free download

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LM320L/LM79LXXAC/LM13121 Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators January 2003 LM320L/LM79LXXAC/LM13121 Series 3-Terminal Negative Regulators General Description the 3-lead TO-92 package, 8-lead SOIC package, and the 6-Bump micro SMD package. The LM320L series is avail- The LM320L/LM79LXXAC/LM13121 dual marked series of able in the 3-lead TO-92 package. 3-terminal negative voltage regulators features fixed output For output voltage other than -5V, -12V and -15V, the voltages of -5V, -12V, and -15V with output current capa- LM137L series provides an output voltage range from 1.2V bilities in excess of 100mA. These devices were designed to 47V. using the latest computer techniques for optimizing the pack- aged IC thermal/electrical performance. The LM79LXXAC series, even when combined with a minimum output com- Features pensation capacitor of 0.1

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