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Now downloading free:Keithley 510A(Model5100

Keithley 510A(Model5100 free download

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/ MODEL 510 MEGOHMMETER AND ACCESSORIES KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. CLEVELAND, OHIO CONTENTS SECTION INTRODUCTORY *,.,...,,*...****.I.*..,...*...* "I SPECIFICATIONSANDDESCRIPTION... II OPERATION...,...'...,... III MAINTENANCE' ~,...,,...,... Iv General Circuit schematic voltage and resistance diagram Replaceable parts list APPENDIX Accessories...,...,...,...,...,.,. i Model 51.036 Test Leads Model 5101 Component Adapter Model 5102 Volume Reoistivity Adapter Models 51024 and 51060 Cables Measuring technique ..,.,.,... . ..* . . . . . ii Introduction Speed of indication Component measurements Volume resistivity Special shielded enclosures Use of other than standard test potentids ASTMReprint *.*...*.*... . . . . . . . . . ..*...*.*... Rear Cover 510 If58 SECTIONI INTRODUCTION The Keithley Model 510 Megohmmeter utilizes a unique logarithmic circuit to present six decades of resistance on a six-inch mirror-scale panel meter. With so great a dynamic range, range switching is not necessary, and the speed and ease of measurement are greatly increased. Because of the logarithmic ocale, the usual high-end scale compression of a conventiona, ohmmeter is eliminated. An accuracy within l$ of the scale length is maintained at every point on the scale; this is equivalent to an accuracy of about lO$ of the reGiotance being measured. It is limited only by the meter accuracy, and is about as good a6 conventional megohmmeter circuits at mid-scale, but superior to conventional circuits at other than mid-scale meter readings. Test potentials of 5, 50 and 500 volts are furniohed. They are useful in measuring voltage coefficients, and offer freedom in selecting a safe potential for all test samples. I -1 5'0 1158

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