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Now downloading free:IBM GA27-2703-1 2703 Transmission Ctl Component Descr May67

IBM GA27-2703-1 2703 Transmission Ctl Component Descr May67 free download

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File No. S360-09 GA27 -2703-1 Systems Reference Library IBM 2703 Transmission Control Component Description This pUblication provides a detailed description of the capabilities, features, and communication facilities required for the IBM 2703 Transmission Control Unit. The capabilities of the unit are grouped by: start-stop capabilities; and binary-synchronous capabilities. All items of a general nature are discussed in the section, "Detailed Description of Operations. " The operator's controls and a detailed description of the communi- cation facilities to which the 2703 can be attached are contained in the Appendix. For a complete listing of all SRL publications available in the IBM System/360 library, including abstracts, consult the IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form A22-6822. PREFACE This manual is written as a reference text and is intended to cover all the major facets of the IBM 2703 from a hardware viewpoint. Further informa- tion pertaining specifically to the IBM System/360 is contained in the IBM System/360 Principles of Operation manual, Form A22-6821. Numerous pro- gramming publications describing the various tele- communications programs are also available. All these publications are listed in the IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form A22-6822. Major Revision, May 1967 This edition is a maj or revision to, and obsoletes, A27 -2703-0. It incorporates Technical Newsletters N27-3010 and N27-3012. A complete review of this edition is recommended, since all maj or sections of this manual have been revised. The 2703 Configuration previously included in this manual has been removed and incorporated in the IBM System/360 Data Com- munications and Acquisition Configurator manual, Form A22-6824. The users of this manual are cautioned that contents are subject to change at any time and without prior notice by IBM. Signifi- cant changes or additions to the contents of this publication will be reported in subsequent revisions or Technical Newsletters. This manual has been prepared by the IBM Systems Development Division, Product Publications, Dept. 860, P. O. Box 12275, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709. Address comments concerning the manual to this address. ii CONTENTS INTRODUCTION

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