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Now downloading free:Keithley 192RevD DocSpec

Keithley 192RevD DocSpec free download

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Model:192RevD DocSpec 🔎
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Descr: Keithley 192 192RevD_DocSpec.pdf
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Model 192 ~Programmtible DMM.`:' ~~~Specifi&i$$ -. MODEL 1923 IEEE-488 INFERFACE SPECIFICATIONS FRONT PANEL PROGRAMS I. IEEE-,9`%1978 BUS IMPLEMENTATION: PROGRAM NAME DESCRlF'TlON MuNOln. Cmmmnd,; DCL. SDC. GET. 1.1.0. CT,.. WT. WI.. WE. SPD. fs*trst modn for DC ""Il. an: USEABLE INT;;WM;ON TRIGGER TO RESOLUTION FIRST BYTE OUT a'%-d,@ & *,.o,S% + Id) for 1 year o" DC" and Ohm. (below xXWklll. Addrm Modn: TALK ONLY and ADDRESSABLE, IL STATUS PORT: 192 Spec Addenda The following infornlation is supplied as clarification of 192 specifications. 1. NMRR. To prevent AD saturation, peak AC t OC value lwst be less than full scale on any range. 2. IEEE low to power line ground isolation is Ibin. 3. Foutijterminal lead resistance: Maximum per lead for additional 1 digit errw at 5-l/2 digits. Resistance 1% 22 n 70 n 220 a 700 a 2200 0 4. Input current. With 1Mh shunt on 2V range, display should be less than 5 digits (

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