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Now downloading free:IBM GY20-0591-1 CMS PLM Oct71

IBM GY20-0591-1 CMS PLM Oct71 free download

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GY20-0591-1 Type III Class A Program Control Program-67/Cambridge Monitor System (CP-67 /CMS) Version 3.1 CMS Program Logic Manual Progra,m No. 3600-05.2.005 The Cambridge Monitor System (eMS) is a conversational monitor system that provides a comprehensive, easy-to-use set of programs (commands} giving the CMS user a wide variety of functions, including the ability to create addi- tional commands or subsystems to satisfy his special requ irements. This manual provides a detailed description of the inter- nals of CMS. The following documents are referenced in this manual: CP-6 I/CMS User's Cuide, Form GH20-0~5,) CP-n 7/CllS insral/ariuN Guide, Form GH20-0857 SRI-if' A STring Pr(Jcessing Language, Form 320-2005, IB\l Cambridge Scientific Center SCRIPT: An Online J/allllscripl Processing Sysrem, Form 320-:~023. IBM Cambridge Scientific Center OS/360 Supervisor & Duta Management ;Viano-Instructions. Form GC28-6647 Second Edition (Octol'er 1971) This Type I II Program performs functions that may be fundamental tl) the operation and maintenance of a s} stem. It has not been subjected to formal test by IB\'1. U util this program is reclassified. IB:v1 will provide for it: (1) Central Programming Service, including design errOl correction and all tt: matic d istribu tion of COrTec lions: and (2) FE Programming Service, including design error ,'crification. A PA R docun':ntation and submis<;ion. and application of Program Temporary Fixes or de- velopment of an em('rf!\~tll'Y hYra~s when required IH\-1 floe, not guarantee service results or represent or war- rant that all errors WIll be correded. The user is e'-.pected to make the final evaluation as to the usefulness of this program in his own environment. THE I {)RLGOP,(; IS IN LIFt: 01 ALL WARRAl'\TILS LXPRESSED OR I~U)LIED.INCLLJDING, BUT NOT U\lITLD TO. TilL 1\1PLIJ

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