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Now downloading free:Keithley LSK489

Keithley LSK489 free download

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Model:LSK489 🔎
Original:LSK489 🔎
Descr: Keithley 2001 ds LSK489.pdf
Group:Electronics > Computer equipment > Motherboards
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LSK489 LOW NOISE LOW CAPACITANCE MONOLITHIC DUAL N-CHANNEL JFET AMPLIFIER FEATURES ULTRA LOW NOISE en = 1.8nV/Hz LOW INPUT CAPACITANCE Ciss = 4pF Features Benefits Applications Reduced Noise due Tight differential voltage match vs. Wide band differential Amps to process improvement current High speed temperature Monolithic Design Improved op amp speed settling time compensated single ended input High slew rate accuracy amplifier amps Low offset/drift voltage Minimum Input Error trimming error High speed comparators Low gate leakage lgss & lg voltage Impedance Converters High CMRR 102 dB Lower intermodulation distortion Description The LSK 489 series of high performance monolithic dual JFETs features extremely low noise, tight offset voltage and low drift over temperature specifications, and is targeted for use in a wide range or precision instrumentation applications. This series has a wide selection of offset and drift specifications. The SST series SO-8 package provided ease of manufacturing and the symmetrical pinout prevents improper orientation. The SO-8 package is available with tape and reel options for compatibility with automatic assembly methods. (See packaging data) ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS1 @ 25

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