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File information:
File name:VW-Passat
Size:481 kB
Model:pasat gl 🔎
Descr:schematic for pasat gl
Group:Electronics > Automobile
Multipart:No multipart

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User ratings and reviews for this file:

11-11-2009DigiGirl2It would've been nice to know the language was something OTHER THAN English before taking time to DL and open... cannot understand it at all. So, basically useless to me. Thanks anyways. Im sure its good for someone who can read the language.
23-10-2005beberi1Оценка 1 защото няма 0!Нищо не може да се изтегли!Направете го като за прост човек!Има много интересни неща,ще пробвам отново утре,дано се оправят нещата спешно ми трябва схемата за пасата!

Average rating for this file: 1.67 ( from 3 votes)

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