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Number 3220 A Tektronix Company VDS Ramp and HTRB Reliability Testing of High Application Note Power Semiconductor Devices with Automated Series Characterization Suite (ACS) Software Introduction Wide bandgap semiconductor materials such as silicon carbide (SiC) and gallium nitride (GaN) offer physical properties superior to those of silicon (Si) for power device applications, enabling devices based on these materials to withstand high voltages and temperatures, as well as permitting higher frequency response, greater current density, and faster switching [1]. These emerging power devices have great potential; however, the technologies necessary to create and refine them are still under development and therefore less mature than silicon technology. This creates some big challenges associated with designing and characterizing these devices, as well as process monitoring and reliability issues [2]. Before they can gain commercial acceptance, the reliability of wide bandgap devices must be proven and there is a demand Figure 1. Automated Characterization Suite (ACS) graphical user interface for higher reliability requirements. The continuous drive for greater power density at the device and package levels creates period of time (usually 1,000 hours)[3][5][6][7]. The leakage consequences in terms of higher temperatures and temperature current is continuously monitored throughout the test and a gradients across the package. New application areas often mean fairly constant leakage current is generally required to pass more severe ambient conditions. For example, in automotive the test. Because it combines electrical and thermal stress, this hybrid traction systems, the cooling liquid for the combustion test can be used to check the junction integrity, crystal defects engine may reach temperatures as high as 120

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