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Now downloading free:IBM GY20-0568-0 CALL 360 PL1 System Manual Vol 2 Aug70

IBM GY20-0568-0 CALL 360 PL1 System Manual Vol 2 Aug70 free download

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File name:GY20-0568-0_CALL_360_PL1_System_Manual_Vol_2_Aug70.pdf
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:==-- - - - - -- ---- - ===::;=- - - - - --- -- - . - -- Application Program GY20-0568-0 CALL/360 - OS PL/I System Manual Volume II Program Number 360A-CX-42X The CALL/360-0S PL/I compiler (to be used with the CALL/360-0S System on an IBM System/360 Model 50 or higher) is described in the four volumes of this publication. The publication is addressed to system programmers and customer engineers who require a detailed knowledge of the compiler. It contains a general overview of the compiler and detailed information on the compiler and runtime routines and macros that perform required functions. Additional information required to understand CALL/360- OS PL/I compiler operations is provided in several appendices. Volume II contains information on runtime support modules and the first part of a directory to runtime routines. First Edition (August 1970) This edition applies to Version 1, Modification Level 0, ofCALL/360-OS (360A-CX-42X) and to all subsequent versions and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the information herein. Therefore, before using this publication, consult the latest System/360 SRL Newsletter (GN20-0360) for the editions that are applicable and current. Copies of this and other IBM publications can be obtained through IBM branch offices. A form has been provided at the back of this publication for reader's comments. If this form has been removed, address comments to: IBM Corporation, Technical Publications Department, 112 East Post Road, White Plains, New York 10601.

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