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Now downloading free:Keithley 500 910 01B

Keithley 500 910 01B free download

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AMMI Analog Measurement Module The AMMl Analog Measurement Module combines two important Series 500 functions into a single module: the AMMl performs analog signal conditioning and switching, and A/D conversion. The analog section of the module provides signal selection and programmable gain for both local and global analog signals connected to the Series 500. After analog conditioning, signals are routed to the AID converter section of the module for the analog-to-digital conversion process. The AMMl has a total of eight local single-ended inputs with unity (xl) local gain. In- put signals are applied through on-card screw terminals. Global conditioning consists of a high-speed software-controlled gain amplifier with programmable xl, x2, x5, and x10 gain values. Since all analog inputs connected to the Series 500 pass through the global circuitry, these gain values can be applied to any analog input in the system. For A/D conversion, the AMMl utilizes a K&bit successive approximation converter that provides fast, accurate measurement and conversion. A maximum conversion time of only 25psec and a sample-and-hold acquisition time of 3~s allow sampling rates as high as 35.7kHz. To maximize resolution, the AMMl has five A/D converter ranges (three bipolar, two unipolar) that can be selected by on-card DIP switches. The AMMl is designed to be used only in slot 1 of the system baseboard. To install the module, first remove the baseboard top cover and install the module in slot 1 with the component side facing the power supply. CAUTION: Always turn off the system power before installing or removing modules. To minimize the possibility of EM1 radiation, always operate the system with the top cover in place and properly secured. User-Configured Components User-configured components for the AMMl include the input screw terminals and the switches that control A/D converter ranges, as surnmarized in Table 1. For the locations of these components, refer to Figure 1. Table 1. AMMl User-Configured Components Description Designation Function Screw Terminals Local inputs, channels O-7 DIP Switch Set SlOl A/D Converter range All local input signals are applied to screw terminals, which are designed to accept 16-24 gage wire stripped 3116of an inch. Document Number: 500-910-01F&v. B AMMl-1 A/D CONVERTER RANGE SELECTION AMMI LOCAL I INPUT TERMINALS 6 ii D END C'H

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