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Now downloading free:IBM R20-4105-0 OS BTAM Coding Education Guide 1968

IBM R20-4105-0 OS BTAM Coding Education Guide 1968 free download

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...------_._------ ""-" -,.,. System/360 as BT AM Coding; Education Guide '--------,----'''--,- - ... Educatii on Development - Poughkeepsie, New York C:opies of this publication can be obtained through IBM Branch Offices. t\ddrcss comments concerning the contents of this publication t.o: IBM DPD Education Development, Education Center, Poughkeepsie. New York 12602 Ci;) International Business Machines Corporation. 1968 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Number SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION SECTION 2 COURSE DESCRIPTION SECTION 3 GENERAL COURSE OUTLINE SECTION 4 DETAILED COURSE OUTLINE OS BTAM Device Independent Topics 4.1.1 IBr-1 2260 Module for OS BTAM 4.2.1 Section 1 INTRODUCTION This outline has been written in a modular form to facilitate up- dating and addition of new material. It consists of a basic module covering device independent topics. Following this basic module will be device dependent modules. These will be added as they are developed for the various categories of devices, e.g., 1050, 2260, binary synchronous. They should in no way affect the basic module. The basic module covers: Basic operation of BTAM BTAM buffering BTAM macros General channel programming considerations Essentially the device dependent modules cover: Hardware Line control Channel programs Programming example Special considerations related to the device Class problem It is recommended the instructor uses the basic module and foils as the basis for his instructions. However, he should incor- porate into his presentation examples and material's from the var- ious device modules. The interests of the students should dictate what material is used from the various modules. The best BTAM class will be one where the instructor has a good knowledge of BTAM and can run the class as a workshop where there is adequate machine time to do the selected class problems. 1

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