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Now downloading free:IBM GC28-6534-3 OS360 Introduction R21 Jan72

IBM GC28-6534-3 OS360 Introduction R21 Jan72 free download

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File name GC28-6534-3_OS360_Introduction_R21_Jan72.pdf

File No. S360-20 Order No. GC28-6534-3 OS Systems Reference Library IBM System/360 Operating System Introduction OS Release 21 This publication describes operating systems in general and introduces the IBM System/360 operating System. The publication is intended for anyone interested in the System/360 operating System, whether or not he is familiar with other operating systems. It describes the purpose, design objectives, organization, function, and application of the system/360 Operating System, and how it was influenced by previous systems; it also describes System/360 compatibility with System/370. The operating system consists of programming aids and a control program that schedules and supervises the processing of data. The system is designed for a broad range of applications, including teleprocessing and mUltiprocessing. It helps a system/360 data processing installation increase productivity by using its resources more effect ively. Page of GC28-6534-3, Revised Ja.nuary 15. 1972. By TNL: GN28-2512 Fourth Edition (June, 1971) This revision obsolet~es GC28-6534-2, Technical Newsletters GN28-2450 and GN28-2458, and replaces IBM System/360 Operati~System: Concepts and Fa~ilities, GC28-6535. It describes only the MET and MVT configurations of the control program. Changes to the text and small changes to illustrations are indicated by a vertical line to the left of the change. This publication contains a means of referencing other publications by the use of superscript notation. superscripts refer to the numbered publications listed in Part 3, Bibliography. This edition, with Technical Newsletter GN28-2512, corresponds to Release 21" of IBM System/360 Operating system, and to all subsequent release until other,,?,ise indicated in new edit:ions or Technical Newsletters. Changes are continually made to the specifications herein; before using this publication in connection with the operation of IBM systems, consult the latest IBM System/360 and IBM System/370 SRL NElwsletter, Order No. GN20-0360, for the editions that are applicable and current. Requests for copies of IBM publications should be made to your IBM representative or to the IBM branch office serving your locality. A form for readers' comments is provided at the back of this publication. If the form has been removed, comments may be addressed to IBM Corporation, Programming Systems Publications, DepartD~nt D58, PO Box 390, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 12602. Comments become the property of IBM.

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