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Now downloading free:xerox Trident Disk for the Alto Aug76

xerox Trident Disk for the Alto Aug76 free download

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Model:Trident Disk for the Alto Aug76 🔎
Original:Trident Disk for the Alto Aug76 🔎
Descr: xerox alto memos_1976 Trident_Disk_for_the_Alto_Aug76.pdf
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"~ROV PAI~O ALTO RESEARCH CENTER /\L /\.. Engineering & Software Group August 11, 1976 To: Al to Users . From: Roger Bates Subject: TRIDENT disk for the ALTO source: TRIDENT.EARS This memo describes the facility for a new 80 megabyte capacity, 9.7 megabit transfer-rate disk for use on ALTO computers. The new disk is implemented in addition to the standard ALTO disk. This simply means that new microcode tasks (one for output and one for input) must be used, leaving the standard disk microcode intact. The requirements for implementing this facility are a T-80 disk ($6500), a disk control board ($800), and an ALTO which has been modified for double word store operation 1. 1. The Basic Disk System The disk controller is designed to drive any: member of the TRIDENT family of disk drives manufactured by CALCO:f..1:p2. This is a very recent product

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