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Now downloading free:IBM N24-0219 Misc IO Instructions Jun64

IBM N24-0219 Misc IO Instructions Jun64 free download

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Technical Newsletter File No. 1440-01 Re: Form No. A24-3117-0 This Newsletter No. N24-0219 Date: June 15, 1964 Previous Newsletter Nos. NONE Replacement pages for Miscellaneous Input/Output Instructions, ruM 1440 Data Processing System, Form A24-3117-0. To bring your publication up to date, please replace the following pages with the corresponding pages attached to this Newsletter. Changes are identified by a ver- tical line at the left of the affected text and a dot (.) at the left of an affected figure. Pages 21 and 22 23 and 24 31 and 32 33 and 34 CI 35 and 36 File this Newsletter at the back of the manual. It will provide a reference to changes, a method of determining that all amendments have been received, and a check for determining if the bulletin contains the proper pages. The last page of the Technical Newsletter is a Reader's Survey included for your comments regarding this manual (A24-3117-0). We solicit your participation in this survey so that we can attain our goal of providing you with publications of the highest quality. If you wish to complete the survey later, it may be inserted in the manual follOWing page 44. When mailed in the United States, no postage is required. l I I I c International Business Machines Corp., Product Publications Dept., Endicott, N. Y. PRINTED IN U. S.A. N24-0219 (A24-3117-0) :0 ,(---'"'- , II' IBM 1442 Card Read-Punch This section describes the instructions the IBM 1440 Core Storage Data Processing System uses to control the: IBM 1442 ... : Card Read-Punch, and the IBM 1442, Model 4, Card " : Readoa' 2

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