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Descr: Samsung Washer WF448AAP_XAA Removal_and_Reassembly.pdf
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3. DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY 3-1. TOOLS FOR DISASSEMBLY AND REASSEMBLY Tool Type Remarks Socket 10mm Heater (1) Wrench with 13mm Motor (1), Balance (5), 2 holes of each left and 6" Extension 19mm right of the shock absorber 1 Pulley hole 10mm Replaceable for the box driver. Open End 13mm Since the bolt runs idle when the box driver is wrench 19mm used, use the box driver 17mm. Tool to protect the idle and abrasion of the bolt Vice pliers for the box driver. Others (Driver, Nipper, Long General tools for the after service. nose) JIG for the Tub 1 (Disassemble and Assemble) 10 _ Removal and Reassembly 3-2. STANDARD DISASSEMBLY DRAWINGS This is a standard disassembly diagram and may differ from the actual product. Use this material as a reference when disassembling and reassembling the product. Part Figure Description 1. Remove the two screws holding the Top Cover at the back of the unit. 2. Remove the top-cover by lifting it up after pulling it back about 15mm. ASSY COVER TOP Noise filter Water valve 3. With the top cover removed you will now have access to service the Water pressure sensor, EMI Noise Filter, Hot and Cold Water Valves, Steam ASSY, Hose Draw ASSY, and Main PCB ASSY. Sensor pressure Removal and Reassembly _ 11 Part Figure Description 1. Remove the 2 screws at the top of the ASSY- PANEL CONTROL. 2. Hold the ASSY-PANEL CO

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