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Now downloading free:Keithley 2537 AdaptiveTes[1]

Keithley 2537 AdaptiveTes[1] free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E process control. Our definition of adaptive testing is not simply changing control limits after measurements are complete6. Instead, it involves changing force/measure levels or changing the number of sites test based on a well-documented decision process. Three primary components of a test strategy can be changed on the fly: (1) type and number of tests; (2) number of die tested, (3) number of wafers tested. Some or all of these test strat- egy components can be adaptively changed for operational benefit at the die (or site), wafer, and lot levels. Several characteristics of the parametric Adaptive Test Adds test cell in the fab make it particularly ap- propriate for adaptive test techniques. Para- metric test uses a sampling strategy rather Value to Parametric than measuring every die on every wafer, as in functional test. This allows adding or sub- tracting die as needed. Also, fabs typically

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