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Page 1 of 4 Triggered Scan Mode of KPCI3100 Driver Preface This note is intended to clarify use of external clocks and how to make use of the triggered scan mode of the boards covered by the KPCI3100 series driver: KPCI-3101/2/3/4 or KPCI-3116 or KPCI-3110. Note: The example Visual Basic 6.0 code provided here is written for KPCI-3110. If you are using a different board please reference the corresponding DriverLINX manual, as some service request parameters may be different. External Clocks There are two scenarios to consider: Suppose the application requires one sample in response to an external pulse train. In this case, a straightforward use of external clock is called for. In a second situation, suppose the application requires multiple samples in response to each external pulse. In this case, an externally clocked burst mode type of acquisition should be used. One Sample per External Pulse: Use this when you want the A/D to acquire one sample for each external clock pulse. Selection of rising or falling edge of the external clock is supported by some hardware. However, boards covered by the KPCI3100 driver uses only the falling edge of the external clock. Waiting for ext CLK A/D Sample CLK = Ext TTL signal Application Acquire each sample per Application stops on user started by the Ext Clock tic (falling edge specified event. user event. in this case) External Rate Clock Below is some VB code for setting up a task that will acquire one data point for each external clock pulse. A total of 128 samples will be acquired (two buffers of 64 samples) from 4 channels at an estimated rate of 200 Hz. When both buffers have been filled, the task will stop automatically (TCEVENT). The external signal should be connected to the external clock input of the KPCI-3100 Series board. This code snippet assumes the driver has already been loaded and the hardware initialized. It does not show processing of the data in the BufferFilled event. See the DriverLINX Tutorial Manual (web site document center) for a more complete coding discussion in both VC++ and VB, or check the download center of the web site for available example programs. KEITHLEY Page 2 of 4 Triggered Scan Mode of KPCI3100 Driver VB Example for External Rate Clock Acquisition (Written for KPCI-3110) With SR_AI .Req_subsystem = DL_AI .Req_mode = DL_DMA .Req_op = DL_START .Evt_Str_type = DL_COMMAND .Evt_Stp_type = DL_TCEVENT .Evt_Tim_type = DL_RATEEVENT .Evt_Tim_rateMode = DL_RATEGEN 'choose the rate clock .Evt_Tim_rateChannel = DL_DEFAULTTIMER .Evt_Ti

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