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Now downloading free:Keithley 135A RevA DocSpec

Keithley 135A RevA DocSpec free download

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Original:135A RevA DocSpec 🔎
Descr: Keithley 135 135A_RevA_DocSpec.pdf
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13SAlDigital Multimeter DC AMPS ACCURACY TEMPERANRE (1YU\Rl COEfnCIpcT MA!QMuM f,%~+dklto, ~Wdp,+Whl/+: VOLTAGE RANGE RESDLMON WQW 0"1vc L W'.w~C BlmJJEN YhlA 10Il.4 o.w+ + 2d o.w'L + 0.3d 0.6" 10 A mnA 1 `Lc7.d O.&v&+ o.,kl 0.3V OVERLOAD PROTECTfON: 5OmA in t; 0.7SA fuux (2soV). ertemally amssible. 1OA input: MA for 15s un R ud. IORMAL MODE RElFCTfON RATIO: Greater than MdR @ 5oHz. 6oHz~ AC AMPS AcxzvuAcY(1 YEAR, lmwERANR!4 :OMMON MODE RESECTION RATi0 ukn unb&a): Cwta thsn wiz-lktll lzodn@Dc,MHL&60Hz. lAXfMlJM ALLOWABLE INPlfTz l&V DC 01 peak AC nwcswltchcd. 7sov peak mvndlcd. GENERAL DWlAY: 4Y:dl& LCD. 0.6" hdght, polwtly ad rargc k,dk.tton, low battery warning. CONVERSlON PElUODz loDnr D.3 madtnglsccond). OVERRANGE INDICATION: 4 least &dfkant df@ blank&. MAXfMIJM COMMON MODE VOLTAGE: 5OOV DC or pk AC. OPERAllNG FN'IRONMENfz 0' lo SOT: kn than 60% ml&-e humidity "p to 3-s-c; heady &an 3% RHPC, 35' to 547)`c. STORAGE -EM: --Js'(: to MT. km th.n 90% ,dat,w humkflty up ta 3J'C; llmarly demte 3% RHI"C, 35

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