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Now downloading free:IBM Y28-6642-3 FortH PLM Nov68

IBM Y28-6642-3 FortH PLM Nov68 free download

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File No. S360-25(OS) Form Y28-6642-3 Program Logic IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (H) Compiler Program Logic Manual Program Number 360S-FO-500 This publication describes the internal design of the IBM System/360 Operating System FORTRAN IV (H) com- piler program, which transforms source modules written in the FORTRAN IV language into object modules that are suitable for input to the linkage editor for subsequent execution on System/360. At the user's option, the compiler produces optimized object modules (modules that can be executed with improved efficiency). This program logic manual is directed to the IBM customer engineer who is responsible for program main- tenance. It can be used to locate specific areas of the program and it enables the reader to relate these areas to the corresponding program listings. Because program logic information is not necessary for program operation and use, distribution of this manual is restricted to persons with program-maintenance responsibilities. This revision reflects Version II of the FORTRAN IV (H) compiler program. A number of table formats and intermediate text formats have been changed. The over- all operation of the compiler has not changed signifi- cantly, but some routines within the program have been changed, new routines have been added, and some rou- tines have been deleted or combined with other routines. Restricted Distribution Fourth Edition (November 1 968 ) This publication corresponds to Release 17. It is a major revision of, and makes obsolete, Form Y28-6642-2. The description about the process- ing of BACKSPACE statements, which appears in "Appendix E: Object-Time Library Subprograms," has been changed to reflect the improvements made in the FORTRAN object-time library. In addition, miscellaneous clarifi- cations and corrections have been made throughout the publication. New or modified material is indicated by a vertical line in the left-hand margin. The symbol

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