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Now downloading free:IBM Y24-5084-0 DOS Supervisor and Physical and Logical Transients PLM Feb68

IBM Y24-5084-0 DOS Supervisor and Physical and Logical Transients PLM Feb68 free download

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File Number S360-36 Form Y24-S084-0 Program Logic IBM System/360 Disk Operating System Supervisor and Physical and Logical Transients Program Number 360N-CL-453, Version 3 This pUblication describes the internal logic of the IBM System/360 Disk Operating System, Supervisor and Transients Programs. It is intended for use by persons involved in program maintenance and by system programmers who are altering the program design. Program logic information is not needed for normal operation of these programs; therefore, distribution of this publication is limited to those with maintenance and alteration requirements. It is designed to be used as a supplement to the program listing. Effective use of this manual requires an understanding of IBM System/360 operation and of IBM System/360 Disk Operating System control and service programs, macro instructions, and operating procedures. Reference publications for this information are listed in the Pr.eface of this manual. For overall system control logic description, this PLM is to be used with four other PLMs: IBM System/360 Disk Operating System, Introduction to System Control Programs, Form Y24-S0l7. IBM System/360 Disk Operating Syste~, Lifrrarian Maintenance and Service Programs, Form Y24-S079. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System, Linkage Editor, Form Y24-S080. IBM System/360 Disk Operating System, IPL and Job Control Programs, Form Y24-S086. Restricted Distribution PREFACE. This Program Logic Manual (PLM) is a IBM System/360 Disk Operatin9-System, detailed guide to the IBM System/360 Disk Basic Telecommunications Access Method Operating System supervisor, physical PLM, Form Y30-5001. transient, and logical transient programs. It supplements the program listings by providing descriptive text and flowcharts. IBM System/360 Disk operating SystemL Queued Telecommunications Access Method Prerequisite and related publications PL~, Form Y30-5002. that aid in the use of this manual are: IBM System/360 principles of .Operation, Titles and abstracts of other related Form A22-6821. publications are listed in the IBM System/360 Bibliography, Form A22-6822. IBM System/360 Disk Operating SystemL System Control and service Programs, This manual consists of seven m~jor Form C24-5036. sections. The first section is an introduction to the supervisor and IBM System/360 Disk operati

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