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Now downloading free:Keithley 2525 Solar Cell Test1

Keithley 2525 Solar Cell Test1 free download

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A G R E AT E R M E A S U R E O F C O N F I D E N C E present in all semiconductor materials. When a photon with energy greater than the junction bandgap enters the cell, an electron is "pumped" from the valence band (below the Fermi level) to the conduction band. This causes the junction to create a forward bias potential that moves the electron into the n- type region. If an external circuit is connect- ed to the junction (Figure 2), the "pumped" electron moves around the circuit and re- combines with a hole in the p-type region. A major focus of solar cell researchers Better Solar Cell and users is improving cell efficiency and maximizing energy extraction. This requires I-V measurements to characterize perfor- Testing: The Key to mance and determine the load impedance that best matches the cell's source imped- ance. The best match is at Point A on the Faster Development I-V curve in Figure 3. The cell's short circuit

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