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Now downloading free:Keithley 10PXISeries KPXI-AO DataSht

Keithley 10PXISeries KPXI-AO DataSht free download

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Descr: Keithley KPXI 10PXISeries_KPXI-AO_DataSht.pdf
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Series 1MS/s Analog Output Modules KPXI-AO with Waveform Generation Series KPXI-AO 1MS/s analog output modules with waveform generation Keithley's Series KPXIAO analog output modules are ideal for waveform generation applications that require high speed and multifunctional capabilities. The highspeed analog outputs make waveform generation available with higher frequency signals than with previous Keithley products, so that more test system needs can be met with a smaller, more flexible system. In hybrid test systems, KPXIAO modules can provide signals to a device while triggering instruments and monitoring instrument measurements with both digital and analog inputs. This makes the mod ules well suited to a variety of mixed system production test applications. These modules are optimized for speed. The analog input and output functions can be performed at full speed simultaneously. The 12bit analog output channels can be updated simultaneously at a rate of 1MS/s and the analog inputs at up to 400kS/s. While the analog I/O is performing at full speed, the hardwarebased waveform generator is functioning free of CPU intervention. These modules allow you to create complex signals with features such as:

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