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Now downloading free:Keithley 503A(Model503 252C503C)

Keithley 503A(Model503 252C503C) free download

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INSTRUCTION MANUAL MODELS 503, 503C MILLIOHMMETERS 0 COPYRIGHT 1976, KEITHLEY INSTRUMENTS, INC. PRINTED MAY 1977, CLEVELAND, OHIO, U.S.A. MODEL 503 CONTENTS CONTENTS Section Page SpECIpIC*TIONS ---------------------------------------------------- iv 1. GENERAI,DESCRIPTION ________-___________----------------------- 1 2. OpE&Q-ION ----------------------------------------------------- 2 3. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ------------------------------------------- 12 4. SERVICING -_-_------------------------------------------------- 18 5. REpL)&E&LE pm',-- ____-___________________________________----- 24 SCHE&yJIC --------------------------------------------------------- 31 ii 0874 MODEL 503 ILLUSTRATIONS ILLUSTRATIONS Pip;. No. Title Page 1 Front Panel. ---------------__---------------------------- 1 2 Pour Terminal Measurement. -------------------------------- 2 3 Model 503 Controls. -_--__________-_-_-___________________ 5 4 lbo-terminal Connection. ------_-_-_________-_____________ 6 5 Modification for &ground Chassis. ------------------------ 7 6 Series Resistance Measurements. ----------_---______------ 9 7 Exploded View for Rack Mounting. ------------------------- 11 a Power Supply Schematic Diagram. ------------_---__________ 12 9 Super Regulated 12 Volt Supply Schematic Diagram. --------- 13 10 Test Current Generator Schematic Diagram. ----------------- 14 11 AC Amplifier Schematic Diagram. _--_________-__--_________ 16 12 Synchronous Demodulator Meter - Output. _-______---_-______ 17 13

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