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Now downloading free:Keithley 2Wire 4Wire Resistance Article

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Two-Wire Resistance Measurements A Greater Measure of Confidence Figure 2 represents a two-wire resistance test configuration employing the constant cur- rent method. The main measurement issue with the two-wire method, as applied to low resist- ance measurements, is that the total lead resistance (R LEAD) is added to the measure- ment. Because the test current (I) causes a small but significant voltage drop across the lead resistances, the voltage (VM) measured two-Wire vs. Four-Wire by the meter won't be exactly the same as the voltage (VR) directly across the test resist- ance (R), and considerable error can result. Resistance Measurements: Typical lead resistances range from 10m to 1, so it's very difficult to obtain accurate two-wire resistance measurements when Which Configuration Makes the resistance under test is lower than 100 because the resistance of interest will be sense for Your Application?

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