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Now downloading free:IBM H20-0368-2 Continous System Modeling Program Operators Manual 1969

IBM H20-0368-2 Continous System Modeling Program Operators Manual 1969 free download

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File name:H20-0368-2_Continous_System_Modeling_Program_Operators_Manual_1969.pdf
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-=-===:. - -- - .- = - - - - --- --- ====:"- ~ - - - Application Program H20-0368-2 System/360 Continuous Sy~tem Modeling Program Operator's t4anual PrDgram Number 360A-CX-16X This is an IBM System/360 program for the simulation of continuous systems. It provides an application-oriented input language that accepts problems expressed in the form of either an analog block diagram or a system of ordinary differential equations. This manual contains information and procedures that will enable the user to incorporate the System/360 Continuous System Modeling Program into an Operating System/360 library; to include a procedure in the Operating System/360 procedure library (OS/360 SYSI. PROCLIB); and subsequently to execute S/360 CSMP under the control of, and using the services of, OS/360. CONTENTS Compiling and Link Editing 1 Basic Distribution

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