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llr~ TECHNJ[CAL TIE 5-0057 C INFORMATION February 17, 1965 EXCHANGE 34 pages TO I nternational Business Machines Corporation ~ 17 - 5 0 $7 IBM 1401 TAPE IOCS ADVANCED NOTES Tom Scharf IBM Corp . D. P. Customer Education Gladengvn. 3B, Etterstad Oslo, Norway FOR IBM INTERNAL USE ONLY This paper is in the author's original form. The objective in providing this copy is to keep you informed in your field of interest. Please do not distribute this paper to persons outside the Company. Distributed by DPD Program Information Department IBM Corporation 112 East Post Road TIE 5-0057 White Plains, New York TITLE: IBM 1401 TAPE IOCS ADVANCED NOTES AUTHOR: TOM SCHARF DATE JANUARY 12., 1965. INTRODUCTION These notes are designed to help programmers and others who desire a DIREC T INQUIRIES TO : TOM SCHARF deeper knowledge of this IOCS system. This can then be used as the basis IBM D. P. CUSTOMER EDUCATION for self-study or for a short course in advanced IOCS. GLADENGVN. 3B, ETTERSTAD, A sound understanding of the facts contained in this paper will help pro- OSLO, NORWAY. grammers to avoid common errors and misunderstandings as well as to .better be able to analyze errors correctly and more quickly when they occur. ABSTRACT: THIS PAPER IS THE RESULT OF EXPERIENCE WITH The notes are based on the author's own experience with several different THIS PARTICULAR SYSTEM SINCE ITS ANNOUNCEMENT. non-overlap systems and purposely exclude areas which the author does not THE APPROACH IS TO TAKE EACH DTF - example have extensive experience in such as overlap and printer DTF's. WLRADDR - , EACH DIOCS STATEMENT AND EACH MACRO INSTRUCTION AND EXPLAIN IN DETAIL ITS It is the authors conviction that senior programmers, systems engineers IMPORTANCE IN THE TOTAL PR

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